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Get tips on how to lose weight working out

tips on how to lose weight working out
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Get tips on how to lose weight working out

Hello, I was now thinking about what to write for the site, and I remembered I had not yet spoken to people who want to lose weight and do the gym, I do not know if you know, but there are ways to enhance the results you get at the gym with these  tips on how to lose weight.
I believe there are still many doubts and myths on this subject and even more when doing gym to lose weight.
First, it is not only going to the gym to do treadmill that will make you lose weight, you must do the right exercises the right way and in order to obtain the best possible results.

How to Lose Weight With Five Tips Very Simple

But let us understand what it is to lose weight eat efficiency tips for working out to lose weight, lose weight effectively means losing body fat in a way that you do not come back to recover in a few days, and to measure it will use to measure BF.
If you weigh 100 kg and has a 20% BF, you mean you have 20kg of fat in your body. Oh you start your workout at the gym and some time later is the same 100 kg of weight, but only now with 15% body fat.
Yes, you have not lost weight, but slimmed down. So that my first tip, note more in you and forget rather than the balance shows you, realize that despite their weight continue with their same weight measures is decreasing, leaving your body healthier and look better.

The secret of muscles

Another benefit of getting the muscles is that they have a major role in weight reduction. It works like this, the more muscle mass you have the body more your body will have to burn fat to stay, the formula is simple.
Be patient if you by chance you are gaining weight, this can be muscle, second time, you can expect that you will lose weight.
The great benefit of bodybuilding is that will leave your body with active metabolism making you lose weight for 38 hours straight after training, that with anaerobic exercise, and aerobic exercise this time is only two hours after training.
Then rather do weight training rather than aerobic exercise, if you can do both, but be careful not to damage because of long years and require a lot of energy causes the body to burn lean body mass (muscle) and it is not interesting.
One of the great  tips on how to lose weight working out  is after strength training do an aerobic workout of 20 to 30 minutes of your own, research has shown that this practice can make your body burn 600 more calories over the course of two days. In the long and medium term it can bring a very satisfactory result.

Bye flabby skin

That is the bonus of bodybuilding. It's good to lose weight, but I know that after losing weight many women complain about loose skin that is. With bodybuilding is not how it works, your skin will be without the famous sagging, weight training is great for body sculpting.

Too much weight or lightweight

If you are unsure about putting less weight to several times the exercise or put up high weight to a maximum of ten, I will take your doubts with more  tips on how to lose weight.
For people who do not want to be muscled I advise putting less weight and do 4 series of 15 reps to 20 reps with 20 seconds rest between repetitions and 40 of the series.
But nothing you want to prevent muscular part of the body such as thighs, buttocks, etc. For those parties advise you to do hypertrophy, very little weight and repetition, 3 sets 6-8 reps with rest 30 sec. between repetitions and one minute between sets
You can not miss if you already do gym is already a step to lose weight, now just build lean mass and expected results come with time.

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